Do All Swimming Pools and Spas Require Development Approval?
All Swimming pools and spas other than those meeting the following criteria require approval from Council:
- A swimming pool which is constructed in association with a dwelling and intended primarily for use by the occupant of that dwelling, and which does not have a depth exceeding 300mm and does not incorporate a filtration system;
- A spa which is constructed in association with a dweling and intended primarily for use by the occupants of that dwelling, and which does not have a maximum capacity exceeding 680 litres.
Pool Fencing
All new pools and spas must have a continuous safety barrier or safety fencing to restrict access by young children to the immediate pool surrounds. The barrier or fence must comply with the requirements of AS1926.1, AS2820 and be located in accordance with the Building Code of Australia. It must be installed prior to the pool being filled with water and be maintaned at all times.
Owners of pools which were built prior to this legislative requirements (pre July 1993) are encouraged to upgrade pool safety barrier and/or fencing to a level of safety that meets today's standards for new pools.
Trees on Site
Prior to installing your spa or swimming pool you should have regard to any existing trees on your property or an adjoining property which could be affected by the construction of your pool.
Location of Pool Pumps and other Equipment
The location of pumps and other equipment should be carefully considered when planning to install a pool or spa, partucularly the level of noice emitted by such equipment.
Pumps and other such equipment should be located as far as practicable from your neighbours. Where possible, it should be located behind a solid barrier to screen the equipment from your neighbour. However, caution should be taken to ensure that the barrier does not cause the noise to reflect back towards your neighbour.
It may be necessary to enclose the equipment in a purpose made structure. A noise enclosure can be constructed relatively cheaply and may be effective in reducing the noise while still allowing the equipment to function properly.
Policy 4.03 Building & Swimming Pool Inspection
The above information is advisory only. It is intended to provide a guide and general understanding of the key point associated with the particular topic. It is not a substitute for reading the relevant legislation or the Development Plan.
It is recommended that if you are intending to undertaken development, you seek professional advice or contact the Council for any specific enquiries or for further assistance concerning the use and development of the land.