Published 3rd July 2024


DATE: 01/07/24

More to the Robe Library than books!

Photo: SeaStar Rock!

Recently, the Robe Library has secured two grants that will significantly benefit our community's writing and arts sectors, as well as provide entertainment for the children of Robe and visitors alike.

The first grant received is for a project titled: Robe Reflections. This will be a Creative Writing & Art event for Robe, a collaboration between the District Council of Robe’s Public Library and the Friends of the Robe Library group. The aim is to expand our artistic base by unearthing our scribes and developing creative relationships with our local artists by exploring the theme of Robe. This grass roots project will be open to Robe residents and ratepayers of all ages and statuses and will culminate in a printed publication of works and an exhibition.

This project has been made possible through a grant for $3,265 from the Libraries Innovation Board. The concept for this project was brought to the Friends of the Robe Library group by long standing member Rosemary Williams, where an invitation will be extended to local writers to submit a piece of prose, match the writer with a local artist who would then create a work of art based on their story, publish a book and then finish with an exhibition.

The second grant of $1,500 was received from the 2024 National Backyard Cricket Grants for country public libraries. This grant can be used for any education-related activity, program, materials or technology. As part of the library’s developing Holiday Program, Team Leader Lonny Peel was keen to book a stage act for the youngest kids in our town.

“It is difficult to fund entertainers to come out from the city to regional areas due to the expense, and any opportunity to engage our youth in new things is a positive.” The funding has been used to secure “Sea Star Rock” for the July school holidays, whose focus is marine sustainability, positivity and self-esteem, and of course, fun! The show is suitable for children aged 0-9 but will involve kids over 10 on stage.

Look out for the upcoming Youth Survey in July, where Lonny will ask youths aged 12-24 what they would like to learn and do in Robe. The survey will hopefully give us an insight into what our youth are interested in other than football, netball and gaming, and allow us to budget for programs and source appropriate grants.

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Lonny Peel

0422 445 605