2022 Local Government Elections - Candidate List

Nominating as a candidate for election

Councils are part of your everyday, they provide roads and footpaths, parks and playgrounds, libraries, sporting facilities and much more.

The decisions about these services and facilities are made by an elected group of councillors.

Becoming a councillor gives you the chance to shape your local community as part the council team. It is a rewarding challenge - one that requires passion and leadership. It involves a commitment and a responsibility in upholding the law and giving your community confidence in local government.

Local government performs best when members of council are representative of their community. That means having different backgrounds, experiences, culture, age and gender.

There are many people in our local community who can provide strong leadership for councils. If you care about the future of your community, you can nominate for council. Becoming a councillor is one of the most direct ways that you can influence decisions that affect the quality of life in your local area.

Local Government Association - Council Elections Webpage

The Electoral Commission of SA and the Local Government Association of SA have developed a Council Elections webpage (link below) which includes a range of resources that are available to potential candidates.


The webpage includes important information for potential candidates including:

  • How to nominate
  • Campaigning your candidacy
  • Winning your campaign - post Election
  • Preparing election materials
  • Campaign legislation & regulation
  • Make a Difference - Nominate for Council handbook

The Make a Difference - Nominate for Council handbook is a guide to help understand the role of a council member, the election process, and how you can nominate to be on council. The handbook can be downloaded from the following link:  https://www.lga.sa.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0036/468558/handbook-make-a-difference-nominate-council.pdf

Eligibility to Nominate

It is very likely you are eligible. In fact, the majority of people who vote in local elections are also eligible to run as a candidate.

To nominate you must be:

  • an Australian citizen
  • eligible to vote in your area
    • or are an officer of a body corporate nominated to vote
    • or are a member and nominee of a group that is on the council voters roll for the area.

You cannot run for council if you are:

  • a state or federal member of parliament
  • bankrupt or receiving relief of insolvent debt
  • disqualified from holding office by a court order
  • a council employee of that area
  • a candidate for election in another council
  • a person in prison or sentenced to prison.

If you are not sure if you can nominate, contact the Electoral Commission of South Australia on 1300 655 232.