Limestone Coast Local Health Network
The Limestone Coast Local Health Network (LHN) manages the delivery of public hospital services and other community based health services as determined by the state government for the Limestone Coast region.
For more information please visit their website
Limestone Coast Local Government Association (LCLGA)The Limestone Coast Local Government Association (LCLGA) is a regional subsidiary body established by the seven Constituent Councils in the Limestone Coast region of South Australia; City of Mount Gambier, District Council of Grant, Kingston District Council, Naracoorte Lucindale Council, District Council of Robe, Tatiara District Council & Wattle Range Council.
Please click here to access the LCLGA website.
Local Government Association of South Australia
The Local Government Association (LGA) of South Australia is a membership organisation which provides quality service and leadership relevant to the needs of member Councils.
The LGA is guided by the LGA Board, supported by staff and represented by a number of nominees on a large number of State, Federal and community boards, committees and commissions.
Please click here to access the LGA website.
Animal Plant Control OfficersSouth East Natural Resources Management Board
Department of Fisheries
Your local Fisheries Office
17 James Street Kingston SE SA
Phone: 08 8767 2358
SA Power Networks
For faulty street lights please click here
SA Water
To report a fault, please click here
Fences and the Law Handbook
Trees and the Law Handbook
Fishwatch (for reporting offences only)
1800 065 522
Friends of the Little Dip Conservation Park (FOLD)PO Box 111 Robe SA 5276
Contact: Judy and Jim Smith 8768 2798
National Parks & Wildlife
Robe Street, Robe
Works Depot Office: 8768 2543
South East Office: 8735 1177
This office is not always manned. Please contact the office or the ranger for information on our national parks and wildlife in the area.
Little Dip Conservation Park, Butchers Gap National park, Bernoulli Conservation Park, Mt Scott, Woakwine and Lake St Clair are under our care.
SE Care
Registered NDIS Provider and Aged Care Support
0401 691 683