Published 16th June 2022
Click here for more information about the Robe 2050 Survey and to complete the survey.


The Robe 2050 Survey has now closed and Council are in the process of finalising the data and preparing a report. Some background on the survey is below:

The purpose of this community survey is to hear all of the different voices of the people who live, work, invest in and visit Robe.

Please tell us what you like best about Robe and share your ideas on how we can make Robe even better into the future.

We want to hear your suggestions, ideas and opinions if you are:

  • 15 years and older;
  • work in Robe;
  • live in or around the Robe District;
  • invest in or own property in Robe; or
  • are a visitor to Robe.

Your identity will remain anonymous.

This is an independent survey being run by Dr Karen W Miller (PhD) from Leadingrowth and co-author of the book, Marketing Research: an integrated approach to solving business problems. Any questions you have about the survey, please email Dr Karen W Miller (PhD). Email:

All data collected is compliant with the Commonwealth Privacy Act 1988 and the Codes of Conduct set out by the Australian Market & Social Research Society. The raw data and anything that identifies you or anyone participating in the survey will not be shared and will be de-identified. Any information from the survey will be compiled into a report to ensure the anonymity of all people participating in the survey. The final report will be presented to the District Council of Robe who will share it with the community of Robe and any interested parties.

The survey will take about 30 minutes to complete. If you have lots to say it could take a bit longer. We suggest you find a quiet place to sit down and maybe make yourself a cuppa (or some other beverage) to enjoy while completing the survey. To complete the survey mark the responses that best apply to you.

To give you extra opportunities to have your say there are several "other" boxes where you can write up to 250 characters, as well as five open-ended questions where you can write as much as you like. Please use these to write your ideas, suggestions or opinions. This survey is designed to hear all of the different community voices. We want you to contribute and have your say. Your voice matters.

The survey closed Sunday 7 August 2022.