Marina Advisory Committee

(Previously named 'Marina Advisory Group')

Advisory Committee Membership:

Mayor Lisa Ruffell, Ex-officio

Cr Nick Brown, Presiding Member & Council Representative

Cr Duncan Young, Council Representative

Andrew Dening, Professional Fishers Berth Holder Representative

Paul Regnier, Professional Fishers Berth Holder Representative

Graham Fennell, Recreational Berth Holder Representative

Deane Nankivell, Recreational Berth Holder Representative

Richard White, Deputy Presiding Member & Community Representative

Rod Carmichael, Community Representative

Andrew Dowling, Community Representative

Advisory Committee Terms of Reference

The 2024/25 Information Briefing Schedule is below:



Topic and Venue

Open to the Public

Reason for Confidence


Marina Advisory Workshop on a series of topics:

- Straddle Carrier fees and charges and Matters

- Hardstand Agreements and Matters

- Berth Sales

- Dredging

Council Chambers, 3 Royal Circus Robe SA 5276
