Asset Management Plans
Section 122 of the Local Government Act 1999, requires councils to develop and adopt an Asset Management Plan/s covering a period of at least ten years. The Asset Management Plan’s are to directly link to the Long Term Financial Plan outlining Councils financial position over the proceeding 10 years.
The Asset Management Plans may be one document or be split into the categories (e.g. Roads, CWMS etc.) and will outline the overall direction, priorities, and targets in terms of maintenance and delivery of Council’s assets.
Although they are 10 year plans, Council has a legislative responsibility to review Asset Management Plans within two years of a Council Term. The District Council of Robe is currently undertaking a comprehensive review of it’s Asset Management Plan’s and has thus far adopted the following:
Buildings and Structures Asset Management Plan 2024-2034
Lake Butler Marina Asset Management Plan 2024-2034
Community Wastewater Management System (CWMS) Asset Management Plan 2024-2034
Open Space Asset Management Plan 2024-2034
Plant and Equipment Asset Management Plan 2024-2034
The Roads Asset Management Plans is currently in draft form.