Lodging your Application through the EPlanning Portal

Along with new policies, the South Australian wide ePlanning portal will now be accessible to the public. This means that applications are no longer lodged with Council - the applicant will now have the capacity to apply online at any time.If you are having problems with online applications you are welcome to visit the District Council of Robe office, where staff are able to assist.

The new ePlanning platform will allow South Australians to:

  • search for their property to see what policy applies and what development is allowed
  • prepare, lodge and track a development application online
  • submit feedback to state-wide code amendment

The e-planning portal will also be South Australia’s planning hub for the community for planning information, mapping programs and checklists to help determine if a development even requires approval.

To lodge your application visit https://www.saplanningportal.sa.gov.au/

EPlanning Guides